Board Members
Anne Kerber (2023-2025)
Kim Hong Nguyen (2023-2025)
Kerry Wilson (2023-2025)
Annette Madlock (2024-2026)
Jennifer Jackson (2024-2026)
Ivy Fofie (2024-2026)
Student Representatives
Courtney Smith (2023-2025)
Torrie Fields (2024-2026)
Non-Voting Members
Janell C. Bauer, Executive Director
Rachel E. Silverman, Communication Coordinator
Shauna MacDonald, Women & Language Editor
Jessica Rick, Conference Liason
Stay Connected!
Joining the OSCLG listserve is a way to receive updates about OSCLG events, research opportunities, job postings, and more. To join the OSCLG list-serve, email Patty Sotirin at pjsotiri@mtu.edu. This is an opt-in list-serve, meaning that you must subscribe to it individually (you will not be automatically added when you join OSCLG). Also, if your email changes, please be sure to update it with Patty. If you are already a member of the listserve and would like to post to the listserve, send an email to osclg-l@mtu.edu and your message will be automatically posted for all to see.