The womanist writer Alice Walker, in the classic In Search of Our Mothers’
Gardens, affirms, “no person is your friend (or your kin) who demands your silence, or
denies your right to grow and be perceived as fully blossomed as you were intended. Or
who belittles in any fashion the gifts you labor so to bring into the world.” At OSCLG, we
agree with Walker, and we celebrate the many gifts that feminist scholars who study
communication and language endeavor to offer. As an academic organization, we
welcome students, scholars, practitioners, and industry professionals at all levels of
their careers. Our annual conference and our peer-reviewed journal, Women &
Language, host creative, theoretical, applied, critical, and empirical research across a
range of topics and methods. The diverse feminist scholarship presented and published
under OSCLG’s auspices works to create a more just world and inspire others to do
Thanks for visiting the OSCLG website. Here, you can learn about our history,
our leaders, how to join our email list, and how to get involved. We hope to see you in
October at our conference, or in the pages of Women & Language, or both!
Empowered and Empurpled,
Leland G. Spencer, PhD
Professor and Chair, Department of Women’s and Gender Studies, University of South
OSCLG President, 2024-2026

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